
Drowning in client work?

When it comes to my real live children, I obviously can’t pick favorites.  But between all my brainchildren? There’s no competition — Systems is #1! Why? Because systems are absolutely vital to growing your virtual bookkeeping business. In my Bookkeeper’s Business...

No there isn’t an app for that

Is there anything you are OBSESSED with? I mean – like can’t-live-without, must-do, have-to-have, might even be a littleeeeeee bit compulsive about? Yeah?  Me too.  For me, that thing is learning (okay, and cooking, I’m also slightly obsessed with that too). But...

Email Read Aloud Sept 6 2023 Beating The Odds

Friends – come listen to me read this week’s email aloud! 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇   Click here to register for my brandy-new masterclass!    Get 20% off using the discount code ALL-SYSTEMS-GO until September 13th,...

No Rest for the Weary

It’s happened to the best of us.  The.dreaded.summer.cold. It’s the worst, right? Well that recently happened to me – except it wasn’t just a cold.  My little summer cold was actually a case of undiagnosed strep (anddddd I had a strep test but the Urgent Care...

Doesn’t being stuck suck?

“The darkest hour is just before dawn.”  “From the biggest breakdowns come the biggest breakthroughs.”  “Put one foot in front of the other.”  “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” You have heard these quotes before, right? Maybe some #inspo post on the ‘grams?  ...