Pricing Bookkeeping Services

Welcome to the most CONTROVERSIAL (and confusing) topic in the accounting and bookkeeping world… How To Price Bookkeeping Services It doesn’t matter if you are a self-employed bookkeeper, part-time bookkeeper, freelance bookkeeper OR if you run a team of virtual...

How to Find New Bookkeeping Clients

Treat Sales like a friend, not an enemy! Everything you need to know in order to become a successful and highly profitable business owner falls into one of my 4 S’s — Sales, Systems, Service, and Skills. Wherever you are on your journey of opening and running a...

Sales doesn’t have to suck

What’s the biggest question bookkeepers ask me? This probably won’t surprise you, since I’m sure it’s one you’ve asked yourself a time or two –  “How the hell do I get new clients? 🤔” When you’re in corporate, the work just kinda… lands in your lap. It’s often...