In my previous post, I shared some of my tried-and-true sales secrets. So it’s only natural that this month I cover the ying to my sales yang, marketing.

Sales and marketing are the perfect pairing, like Reese Witherspoon and rom coms. They are business besties. Better yet – they are soulmates.

If you can’t sell, your marketing efforts are for nothing. And if you don’t market, you have no one to sell to.

Whether you’re a beginner bookkeeper or on the path to full-fledged founder, here are five tips for kickstarting your marketing efforts (without spending a cent!).

#1: Know your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar)

The first thing to know about marketing is WHO you’re trying to market to. When you started your business, what kind of customer or client did you have in mind? This is your Ideal Client Avatar (ICA).

My ICA is named Tricia, and I have an entire document detailing her hobbies, who she follows on Instagram, what shows she watches, where she shops—the whole nine yards. Because I know my ICA to a tee, I can focus my marketing efforts on connecting with potential clients that are a great fit for my firm.

Without an idea of your ideal customer and industry, you’ll be wandering the streets aimlessly. No directions, no clue who you’re looking for.

The result? You end up with a big ‘ol hodge-podge of clients, only a few of which you adore. 

How to figure out your ICA

When you’re in the early stages of your business, check out a wide variety of industries and clients. By working for different types of people and businesses, you’ll get a good understanding of what’s out there. It’s like liberal arts college for bookkeepers hahahaha! 

Eventually, you’ll figure out what interests you and who you enjoy working with. While you can’t always afford to be picky (you’ve got mouths to feed, after all!), curating your client list is an important goal to have.

#2: Network, network, network

Get yourself in front of your target audience. An effective way to do that is to get involved in your community. Evvvvvvvvery city or town has networking groups and clubs, and they’re usually free to join! If there’s a membership fee involved, don’t be afraid to ask about joining as a guest. If it ends up not being a good fit, you won’t have wasted your money.

So find your people, and sign yourself up. Here are a few places to start:

  • Rotary clubs
  • Networks for women
  • Local business groups
  • Young professionals clubs
  • Industry-specific networking groups

But be warned… it’s not enough to just get your name on the email list. Attend meetings, volunteer for activities, and network your little 🍑 off. You never know who’s in need of a bookkeeper, but telling others about your services is the best way to find out.

#3: Pitch yourself for a podcast

Another suuuuper effective way I’ve gotten in front of my ideal audience is by getting on the podcasts they listen to. Shameless plug (who am I kidding, ain’t no shame in my game), you can listen to some of my guest appearances here and here

Find podcasts that are dedicated to your ideal industry, and BEFORE YOU PITCH—this is so important—listen to a few episodes first. Your enthusiasm for the podcast you are pitching to needs to be authentic, and that can’t happen if you’re going in blind.

Once you’ve identified a few good options, you’ll need to craft the perfect pitch.

#4: Write a love letter 💌

I’ve said it before but it’s worth repeating: Reaching out to people you like is totally fine (and works more often than you think)!

And with that, remember that flattery goes a long way. So if you want to increase your odds of grabbing a prospective client’s attention, include a love letter in your ask!

No matter how successful someone may be, no one is immune to feeling flattered. Letting your ideal client know you’re kinda obsessed with them is a great way to break down their barriers. 

If possible, opt for a handwritten note over an email or DM. You’ll be amazed at the difference putting pen to paper makes in leaving an impression on someone.

#5: Start an affiliate program

Already have a few great clients who enjoy working with you? Start an affiliate program that incentivizes them to shout their adoration from the rooftops.

I offer an affiliate program for my bookkeeping clients, and it’s helped us connect with awesome new clients. The great thing is that referrals from clients tend to be more qualified than the Joe Schmoes you meet on the street (or the interwebs).

Why? Because your clients already know all about your expertise. And, there’s a good chance they talk with other business owners who work in your target industry.


Here’s the deal: marketing doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. But it does take a little trial and error to figure out who your right audience is and how to connect with them. No expensive Google ads here, honey!

Until next time,


P.S. Share your marketing trials and tribulations with me and 800+ other bookkeeping mamas over at the free Facebook group, we’d love to hear ‘em!