
Change your mind, trust me

You can be an incredibly talented, successful bookkeeper and not have the desire to become a business owner. Running a firm is not a journey everyone wants to take, and that’s totally okay!  Bookkeeping and business owning require two very different skill sets, so...

Don’t put your eggs in one basket

This month, I’m calling BS on some of the biggest myths in the bookkeeping biz. Finance and accounting are SUCH male-dominated spaces, and I think sometimes that can leave the rest of us feeling a little unsure or uneasy. If you don’t agree with the “experts,” does...

To all my newbies…

Building confidence when you’re brand spanking new I get asked time and time again what my “secret sauce” is for starting out in the bookkeeping biz. While I wish I could give you a precise recipe for success, it’s not that simple! Every person’s journey is different...