What’s the biggest question bookkeepers ask me? This probably won’t surprise you, since I’m sure it’s one you’ve asked yourself a time or two – 

“How the hell do I get new clients? 🤔

When you’re in corporate, the work just kinda… lands in your lap. It’s often soul-crushing, time-sucking, not-fulfilling-at-all work, but that’s beside the point. And it’s the reason you’re leaving that 9-5 behind to become a virtual bookkeeping business owner anyway, right??

But it can be hard to get the ball rolling on building your client list when you take the leap to self-employment.

That’s exactly why I dedicate an entire curriculum in my Bookkeeper’s Business Incubator to Sales. 

Why Is Sales So Challenging for Bookkeepers?

I never want to stereotype or generalize, but I do think that it takes a certain skill set to be a good bookkeeper.

Many of us are very analytical, numbers-oriented people who tend to be a bit introverted. So when it comes to putting yourself out there in order to attract high-paying clients, that’s something that does NOT come naturally to most.

But here’s the deal with Sales: 

🙅‍♀️Sales is more than sleazy guys in cheap suits. 

🙅‍♀️Sales is more than shiny, expensive tech tools that “guarantee” to 10x your revenue. 

🙅‍♀️Sales is more than unrelenting cold calls and harassing emails from a website where you just wanted to unlock a 10% discount on a new couch dammit. 

To all of that I say oohhh no no.

Honey, to me, Sales is Simple.

But it took me a while to figure out how to strip away all the BS and get to the root of selling yourself as a business owner and growing your client list. 

How to Be Successful With Sales Without Feeling Sleazy

As a small business owner, you don’t have the time or resources (or let’s be honest, desire) to dedicate complicated or expensive sales tactics. And when it comes to attracting the right clients, you’ll find that the best ones don’t really go for those paid ads or impersonal marketing ploys.

They want to find someone like you who’s genuinely interested in helping them organize and manage their business’s books. For that reason, taking a lo-fi, word-of-mouth approach often works much, much better.

To help you get the ball rolling, here are some of my favorite sales secrets:

👉 First impressions are everywhere online and in person, you better be putting your best foot forward ALWAYS.

👉 Know your close rate, and constantly try to improve it.

👉 Nail the art of the sales call.

👉Create organic connections with people you want to work with

Want to Learn Even More About Conquering Sales?

Mastering Sales is incredibly important to growing your business and putting more money in the bank, but it’s something that doesn’t happen overnight. 

If you want the full, unadulterated rundown of how I mastered sales and multiplied my revenue to seven figures, you’re going to want to join me in the next cohort of my Bookkeeper’s Business Incubator.

To growing your business,
