Summer’s winding down, two kids are headed to college, my littlest is about to enter middle school (send help) and I’m wrapping up one of the best summers of my life.


Because if you don’t know I sold my bookkeeping firm back in February – and I found out I really, really, realllllyyyy like being semi-retired.

I barely worked at ALL this summer and it was incredible.

❌ No dashing from zoom to zoom, or meeting to meeting. 

❌ No more moving at speeding to finish an assignment or send “just one more email” before taking over my unpaid job as a mom taxi. 

❌ No more staring at the ceiling fan at night with a nervous system so jacked up I can’t sleep.

You might be asking how I built a business that I sold for enough money that it’s allowed me to semi-retire so I am going to share my most important secret. 


It means I am pretty much open to anything. I am always a yes before I am a no. 

Here’s why. One of my best business mentors shared this piece of advice that’s absolute gold:

“If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.” 

JUSTINE you might be asking yourself – what in the heck does that mean?

✅ If you don’t ask for the sale, the answer is always no. No, you won’t grow your top line. 

✅ If you don’t share that Help Wanted post on the socials, the answer is always no. No you won’t grow your team. 

✅ If you don’t ask your clients for referrals, the answer is always no. No, it’s not likely they will remember to share your information or refer you business. 

If there’s someone you love on Instagram, why not ask them if they want a bookkeeper?  

If you want to raise your rates, but are terrified, why not ask your least favorite client first and see how it goes?

If you want to hire a team, why not throw up a super simple post and ask people to apply? For the record the first time I decided I was hiring I emailed the entire PTA list – I got in trouble for it but heck I got one of my first employees who worked for me for TEN years. 

So much possibility opens up for you when you are a yes person, instead of a no. Trust me – the rewards and riches are worth it.

Off to take a nap, 


P.S. New to running a bookkeeping business or looking to get better at it? Say yes to downloading my How To Run a 6-Figure Bookkeeping Business guide. It’s packed with juicy tidbits and advice.