Showcase Your Value + Price Projects Perfectly

If you have ever struggled to price a project, or better yet got tongue tied when trying to pitch a client – read on!

Come with me, and I will walk you through in real-time how to use my QBO Assessment Tool.

This training is super valuable and will teach you to assess EXACTLY what a client is asking you to do, where project minefields and roadblocks might be, AND how to price the work perfectly.

You can’t price a project, unless you actually understand what the project IS – right?? 

This training will teach you how “look under the hood” of a potential client’s file so know exactly what you are getting into when you take on a new project AND price it perfectly.

It’s a no-brainer. My free QBO Assessment Tool serves as a great first step, but this training video is designed to help you cross the finish line.

I’ll show you how to use this tool in a way that builds trust with your clients, ups their perceived value of your services, and protects your bottom line from that dreaded scope creep. 

Kickstart EVERY. SINGLE. client relationship with a value-boosting QBO diagnostics.

Ready to learn how to do it? Let’s dive in.

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