Ready to “fly” a fun & profitable bookkeeping biz?

Grow your bookkeeping business, 2-3x your income, and work just 15-20 hours per week…

…Without sacrificing family time, commuting to an office, or becoming a licensed CPA

“I went from charging $25 an hour to $75 per hour!”

I went from charging $25 an hour to $75 per hour [in just 3 months] post joining BBI!

OH MY GOODNESS! I couldn’t even believe the numbers. Thank you! One thousand times thank you!

– Amanda

Calling all experienced mama-bird bookkeepers…

What’s really standing in the way of you having a flock of recurring clients, premium rates, and a bookkeeping business that runs like clockwork (even when you’re not around)?

It might be that you’re stuck on the ground believing one (or more) of these all-too-common myths…

“I’ll be too busy working to spend time with my kids.”

If you’ve bought into the fallacy that a successful business requires 50+ hour workweeks and no time or energy for your family – it doesn’t! 

With the right business model, support, and systems, you’ll have plenty of time for playdates and prom pictures.

“Hiring people and growing a business is way too overwhelming.”

Think you’ll be out of your league and completely stressed out if your business gets bigger? You don’t have to be! 

There are simple processes and steps you can take to make growth manageable and fun!

“It’s possible for other women – but definitely not for me.”

It’s easy to think that success is meant for everyone but you. 

But regardless of your background, location, or credentials – a thriving business and amazing life are available to you, too.

Hop on over to my branch and hear me say this –
none of the above are true.

What’s actually keeping you from 5-figure months and more time for momming is most likely…


You’d love to earn more, but raising your rates? Forget it – you’ve already talked yourself out of it. You’re convinced that no one out there would ever pay hundreds of dollars per hour for your bookkeeping services… would they?

Lack of Focus

You sit down to work on your business and get side-tracked by your inbox, social media, and random client requests (not to mention the messy kitchen or umpteenth load of laundry waiting.) You aren’t sure what to work on (or never get enough time) so your business doesn’t grow.

No Systems or Support

You’re trying to manage all your clients and other work without a repeatable process (overwhelming much?) At this rate, you can never bring on enough clients to earn the money you want (without a 50-hour workweek.)

Any of those sound familiar?

Think about how incredible it would be to have…


Reliable monthly income that funds dream vacations, kids activities, home repairs, and helps build a nest-egg that brings you peace of mind.


Loyal, trust-worthy team members who handle day-to-day operations, take client work off your plate, and free you up for more school plays and soccer games.


Organized files, streamlined processes, and a smoothly-running business you can run from the comfort of home.


Plenty of whitespace in your schedule to make more cherished memories with your babies and family members.

The great news is – ALL of that is possible.

You can create an amazing service and have clients happily pay premium rates.

You can take guilt-free, extended time away from work and come back to a business that’s thriving.

You can take your revenue all the way up to $15K (or more) per month – even if that feels kinda far-fetched right now.

How can I be so sure about all this?

Let me fill you in…

Heyyy! I’m Justine Lackey…

But you can call me JLa.

I’m a bookkeeping expert, business mentor, former 90s raver (sssshhhh don’t tell my kids), and proud mom of three.

(Against all odds) I built a successful bookkeeping agency, serving world renowned galleries and artists and some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the online business space.

I grew my business from little ol’ me and a handful of clients to a recognizable brand with over 100 clients and a team of 12.

I sold my business in early 2023 (ka-ching! And holy smokes – I never DREAMED that would be possible) so I could focus on helping other moms build prosperous bookkeeping businesses, like I did.

It’s been quite the journey…

It all started with me standing in my friend’s studio, broke and unemployed after walking out of my NYC PR job (with a crazy, abusive boss) on my lunch break.

My friend asked me to look at her books after pouring my “I’m jobless” heart out, and in a New York minute , there I was – bookkeeping *it-girl* for some of NYC’s artistic elite.

I served my artist and entrepreneur clients for nearly two decades with the firm I founded, Good Cents Management. 

I set up my agency so I could take a 2-month sabbatical if I needed, and my business would run completely without me.

All of my team worked part-time so they could be present with their kids. 

Our clients were eager to pay my team $105/hour (and me $250+) for our stellar service.

And I did all this while going through a divorce, experiencing single-motherhood, getting remarried, and raising three kids.

(Whew! I’m exhausted just writing that.)

Now I run Bookkeepers Business Incubator from my chandelier-clad backyard She-Shed (it’s a whole vibe.)

It’s my heart and soul’s mission to take bookkeeping business owners – especially mama birds like you and me – from broke and burned out to prosperous and at peace.

This program will make running a profitable bookkeeping business from home – or your own She-Shed – a reality for you.

I’ve gone through all the painful parts for you. 

I’ve worked with every type of toxic client, tried every kind of promise-filled software, clawed my way through all the distressing situations, and slashed every extra task…

…so you don’t have to. 

Inside Bookkeeping Business Incubator, you’ll get ALL of my best processes, tools, and support.

It’s basically my brain in your back pocket…or a bookkeeping business in a box.

You’ll also get answers to all those keep-you-up-at-night questions, like:

How do I land dream clients on autopilot and make them stay?

How do I build signature packages and charge higher prices?

How do I create policies and procedures that turn this into a real business that can grow?

How do I have hard conversations and set boundaries with clients so they don’t walk all over me?

How do I find team members who want to work for me? And manage them??

What’s the secret to creating confidence so I can actually make this work??

Ready to get the answers that Google can’t give you?


Bookkeepers Business Incubator

Inside BBI, you get VIP access to my 4S Method

to help you to master the business skills needed to run a bookkeeping firm, grow safely & sustainably, and fill your roster with amazing clients.

Here’s how the 4S Method breaks down:


Marketing and selling your bookkeeping services


Organizing your processes and workflows


Serving your clients with impeccable customer service


Doing great bookkeeping worthy of premium rates

Those four pillars are the secret sauce to help you…

Go from this…

Charging $20/hour, feeling undervalued, and not earning enough for the life you want

50+ hour weeks and excessive commutes or a job that you hate

Frustrated by missed client appointments and all the little “extra client requests”

Scattered systems and wasted time doing everything from scratch – with every client

Frantically trying to do everything yourself and feeling overwhelmed

Missing out on family time to work more OR income so you can be there for your kids

To This…

Recurring income at $100+/hour and funding your dream life

15-20 hour workweeks with a 30-second commute to your home office (or she-shed)

A pipeline of well-paying dream clients who respect boundaries & value your expertise

Tight systems that maximize billable hours and get you out of the hustle

Loyal team who take work off your plate & free you up for more important things

Earning more than you thought possible AND having time to make memories with family

“I was able to quit my part-time job just a few months into the program!”

Taking Justine’s course has been life changing for me. 

I ran my business part time for about 16 years before I decided to make it a full time endeavor. I had only ever had a handful of clients and they’d been with me for many years so I wasn’t sure what needed to change in my business in order to make an income I could really count on.

With Justine’s knowledge and expertise I was able to quit my part time job just a few months into the program and I haven’t looked back since. 

She makes learning fun and she came around at the exact right time in my life. Thanks Justine!

– Kim

Get up-to-date training on every aspect of running a profitable bookkeeping business, including:


Effective marketing to fill your pipeline with the right leads and a sales process that easily converts them into clients


Designing and pricing packages that best serve your clients while boosting your revenue


Running sales calls confidently and mastering your pitch so you hear more yeses and easily fill your client roster


Creating a flawless client onboarding experience that makes people eager to work with you


Educating clients from Day 1 and handling the hard conversations to uphold boundaries


Writing job descriptions, hiring effectively, and leading a team you can trust to support you and your clients


Navigating end-of-year hassles and handling tax time like a total pro



World-class training? High-touch support?

Check. And check.

Here’s exactly what you get when you join…

Weekly Live Training with Justine + Recordings

Get dedicated time to ask questions about running your bookkeeping business for everything from Quickbooks software to pricing and packaging your signature services.

Can’t make it live? No sweat. You’ll also get access to the call recordings so you can listen in when you have the time.

Weekly Co-working Sessions with Your Cohort

Block off an hour a week in your calendar so you can get some real needle-moving, radical results.

This is structured time together to do the deep work.
You will come to the session with a single task to work on and accomplish in the dedicated hour. This task should be “ON” the business work, not “IN” the business work (i.e. not client work or gen admin tasks).

The Incubator Private Support Community

An exclusive student-only FB community for group accountability & daily support with other bookkeeping professionals.

You only fly as high as the flock you’re with so we’re making sure you’re surrounded by people who get you while you’re going after big goals.

The Nest – Your Private Training Vault

This is our online platform of recorded lessons and comprehensive support materials which includes everything you need to implement the 4S Method and run a successful bookkeeping business.

Available 24/7 and on-demand.

Swipe File Library

Over 90 documents and checklists to make running your business a breeze. Including a sample statement of work, account workflows, job descriptions, onboarding + offboarding checklists, and more.

Easily customize for your business and get organized fast.

Customized Experience

You’ll get guidance and training best suited for your specific business. We’ll kick off your year with small group onboarding and a content tour so you can focus on the areas and tasks your business needs most.

Personalized feedback from myself and my team

You’ll have access to us (and our fun approach to business) so you never have to navigate challenging situations on your own.

Plus this bundle of BONUSES

Bonus #1:  Organize

Your toolkit for Storing, Saving and Retrieving Client Documents

This training will teach you the process I used in my agency to manage 1,000s of client documents and create an easy-to-reference archive.

This is a huge value-add for your clients and time saver for you!

Bonus #2:  Guest Expert Trainings

Get immediate access to recordings from these experts: 

  • Kai Pfiester – Cyber Security Expert
  • Karen Yankovich – LinkedIn Expert
  • Donna Reade – Upwork Expert
  • Denise Haney – EOS Expert
  • Alan Cohen – The Power of Connection
  • Amber McCue – Systems Expert
  • Deidra Romero – The Kolbe Test Expert
  • More to come in the 2023-2024 year!

Bonus #3:  Scale to Sell

How to sell (even a small) bookkeeping business for big profit

You’ll learn:

  • How I got suitors lining up & pitching ME to buy my company
  • Why your company has high value (even if it’s small)
  • PLUS a guest training from my own broker!

“I feel more organized and confident”

This program has been phenomenal. It’s been eye opening to look under the hood of Justine’s business and learn her systems and process. 

I found out areas of improvement and were given directions on how to implement and improve. The templates have made it easier.. 

The guest speakers are all top notch and so great to learn from. The content is great. 

The community is supportive, and being able to ask questions in a small space without judgment makes it another valuable asset.

– Debby

A plan that works for you…



How does Bookkeepers Business Incubator stack up to the competition?

(I promise it’s like no other program you’ve seen before…)

Other Programs

Teach bookkeeping basics & how-to without the info you need to build a thriving business

Little or no support – just some worksheets and a pat on the back

Cookie cutter business training that forces you into a specific business model

Overwhelming material that teaches you a lot of *what* to do – but not *how* to apply it

Not industry specific so you don’t get the essential training you need to deal with the sensitive topic of MONEY

Bookkeeper Business Incubator

Learn the business-side of bookkeeping so you can make that sweet money honey!

Live Q&A calls & private community – high-touch support to keep you moving forward

Build the business YOU want so it fits your life, schedule, and personality

Loaded with templates & done-for-you materials so you can take action fast

Designed specifically for bookkeepers by a bookkeeping industry veteran with 20+ years of experience.

Bookkeepers Business Incubator makes prosperity inevitable by helping you to:


Jump from $3-5K to $15K+ months


Earn way more money than you thought a bookkeeper could


Work just 15-20 hours per week on bookkeeping from home


Create time flexibility for appointments, errands, sick and personal days


Hire your first or 7th employee


And model successful life skills for your kids

And the best part?

When you sign just 1-3 new clients – BBI will have paid for itself.

“BBI has been the most valuable investment I have made for my business.”

In 3 years I purchased over 12 different programs/coaching totaling almost $20k. None of them provided as much content, value, and real-world experience as Justine’s program.

This program addresses every issue I’ve ever had and really gives you the tools and information you need to actually run your bookkeeping business and grow it.

I am so grateful to Justine for sharing her wealth of knowledge and all of the systems and processes and experts. I now know exactly what I need to do and how to do it!!

– Jillian

“BBI has been a game changer for my business!”

The weekly coaching calls, the guest speakers, the community of support through the facebook group, the materials provided, and the connections that I have made through this group is invaluable! 

Justine and her team are so thoughtful and have made it a point to make me feel seen and supported. 

There was always someone with helpful information whenever I had questions  about my business. 

I’m so glad I joined this year. It has been 100% worth it!!

– Hannah

Ready to be our next success story?

Join Bookkeepers Business Incubator!



See what more mama-birds have to say about BBI…

“This program is amazing!”

Justine’s program is amazing! 

She gives you so many resources and even answers questions about how to use them! 

Her systems will help you improve your business and help you grow your business because you have processes in place! 

She brings years of experience to the program, she knows her stuff!

– Rebecca

“processes invaluable, mentorship unparalleled”

Justine is a bookkeeping goddess with years of experience both doing and teaching. Her processes are invaluable, and her mentorship is unparalleled. 

If you are looking to grow your firm, get serious about your systems, and boost your confidence in your career trajectory, look no further than Justine Lackey’s BBI program. 

As an added bonus, there is so much to learn from your cohort of peers who are along for the same ride and it’s fun to watch each other grow and learn in unison. 

I’m forever grateful for Justine.

– BBI Student

So… is Bookkeepers Business Incubator for you?

Here’s a little chart to help you decide

BBI is for you if…

You’re a bookkeeper with at least 1-2 years of experience

You love crunching numbers and are excited about growing your bookkeeping business

You’re willing to take direction and ready to take action ASAP

You’d LOVE to 3X your income AND have time-freedom to be available for your kids

BBI is not for you if…

You’re brand new to bookkeeping and don’t have the basics mastered

You’d rather remain a one-woman show and “freelance” as a bookkeeper

You don’t take advice from others well & would rather do everything your own way

You’re happy with your current income and schedule – no need to change it up!

Let’s answer your questions!

What if I only have a couple of clients or do bookkeeping on the side? Is this for me?

Absolutely! If you’re interested in growing that little business of yours into something profitable and sustainable – BBI can help!

I’m drowning in client work - it’s so overwhelming! Will this help me?

First of all – congrats on all those clients! And yes, BBI can definitely help you get out of the weeds and into a thriving business that runs smoothly and efficiently.

What’s the expected ROI from this program?

First, we can’t guarantee any sort of ROI. The ROI is directly related to how much serious effort you put into it and how well you implement advice. 

If you follow my techniques, by the end of the year, $15K months are a real possibility for you. That’s without a CPA license (I don’t have one). If you’re making under $5K per month right now, $15K is at least a 3X ROI.

Do I have to hire 30 people and build a huge company if I join this program?

This program is NOT about building an H&R Block level corporation. I definitely didn’t want that!

We’ll focus on creating the business YOU want – that works for your schedule, lifestyle goals, and preferences. That could mean you and an assistant. Or a team of 10 people if that’s what you want to build. It’s what I like to call the “right-sized” business model.

What qualifications do I need to have in order to join?

We recommend a Quickbooks certification (which you can take at the same time) and Errors & Omissions insurance, but that’s it. 

There really aren’t any other prerequisites. You’re good to go.

Now isn’t the best time. Can I join the next time you offer BBI?

Well, you could. But the truth is – I’m not sure when the program will launch again. It’s been 15 months since I last opened the doors.

So my question to you is – do you really want to wait to start earning more, working reasonable hours, and building a solid future for yourself and your family?

If you don’t have time to waste – join us inside BBI!

What if I still have questions?

Shoot me an email at support@justinelackey.com and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

Ready to 2-3X your income,
working just 15-20 hours per week?

With BBI, you can turn that daydream into your reality.

Here’s one last reminder of what you get inside Bookkeepers Business Incubator


Weekly Live Group Calls + Recordings to ask questions and get support for your business


Weekly Co-working Sessions so you can implement what you learn + get optimal results 


The Incubator private community for connection + Q&A


The Nest training vault with the entire 4S Method trainings


Swipe File Library with customizable forms & checklists


Customized Experience to focus on what your business needs


Support from Justine & Team so you’re never on your own


12-months Access to the entire program


BONUS 1: Organize: fail-proof accounts management system


BONUS 2: Guest Expert Trainings on essential topics for your business growth


BONUS 3: Scale to Sell: how to build & sell (even a small) business for big profit

Join Bookkeepers Business Incubator!



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